Focus areas


Developing social cohesion means guaranteeing equal opportunities and rights for everyone regardless of their background or status. This value guides Œuvre's initiatives and projects on a daily basis.

Portraits of 7 people from the team of the Ligue pour la santé mentale, each holding a yellow umbrella.

©Gilles Kayser

Œuvre Nationale is committed to building a society where every individual finds their place. It does this by promoting equal rights and opportunities. Œuvre's fundamental role is to strengthen Luxembourg's social fabric through initiatives that promote social cohesion, solidarity and innovation to benefit the most vulnerable members of society.

Inclusion is at the heart of Œuvre's actions, and Œuvre designs and supports projects that promote the integration of every individual, regardless of their background, culture, or social or personal status. Through its tailor-made programmes, Œuvre supports young people, people who are in a position of insecurity, seniors and many other groups.

Œuvre believes that young people are the players of tomorrow and therefore provides them with targeted support for their personal growth and civic engagement. Since 2020, "FormatiON", a permanent fund aimed at preventing young people from dropping out of school, has embodied this commitment by encouraging them to continue their education and helping them to thrive. Intercultural dialogue and training initiatives also form part of this mission to help young people gain independence and build skills.

Œuvre contributes actively to solidarity, human rights and societal participation by supporting volunteer work and social innovations. Collaborating with the ministries and social players, Œuvre is always mindful of the needs of people experiencing poverty, isolation or disability as it works to build a more inclusive and responsible society.

Œuvre Nationale is a socially committed partner that seeks to strengthen the social fabric and foster a climate of solidarity and collective responsibility in Luxembourg.